Sunday, 19 April 2020

My Magic Show

Level: B2

Of all the acts at the circus, I liked the magician’s best. His act was magnificent. He could make things change colour, change shape – or even make them vanish completely. It was absolutely impossible to believe that he could make one egg after another disappear up his sleeve. I estimated that at least 10 eggs disappeared up one sleeve. As soon as I got home, I began to plot a magic show of my own. First, I would make eggs disappear. I was in such a hurry, however, that I neglected to hard boil them. What a peculiar feeling when the eggs broke inside my sleeve! I just stood there as they dripped down my arm and left an enormous mess on the floor. My mother made a bargain with me; she would clean up the mess if I’d forget about being a magician. So I was obliged to give up my magic show before it started.


absolutely adv. completely: You must be absolutely silent or the birds won't appear.
bargain n. an agreement between two people or groups in which each promises to do something in exchange for something else: The management and employees eventually struck/made a bargain (= reached an agreement).
enormous adj. extremely large: I had an enormous lunch.
estimate v. to form a numerical estimate of; judge by estimation: Government sources estimate a long-term 50% increase in rail fares.
magnificent adj. very good, beautiful or to be admired: They live in a magnificent Tudor house in the country.
neglect v. to give not enough care or attention to (people or things that are your responsibility): He neglects that poor dog - he never takes him for walks or gives him any attention.
oblige v. to force (someone) to do something, or to make it necessary for (someone) to do something; to compel: The law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their employees.
peculiar adj. unusual and strange, sometimes in an unpleasant way: She has the most peculiar ideas. What a peculiar smell!
plot v. make a secret plan to do something that is wrong, harmful or not legal: I can't believe that he's plotting against his own father.
vanish v. to disappear or stop being present or existing, esp. in a sudden, surprising way: The child vanished while on her way home after a game of tennis.


absolutely- completely, totally, utterly, perfectly, entirely, wholly, fully, quite, thoroughly, unreservedly, definitely, certainly, unconditionally, categorically, unquestionably, no doubt, without a doubt.
bargain- 1) make a bargain: agreement; contract; pact; transaction; deal; treaty; negotiation; arrangement; compact; covenant; concordant; understanding; pledge; promise; engagement. 2) get a bargain: discount; reduction; good buy; sales article; (inf.) snip; steal, giveaway.
enormous- huge; immense; massive; vast; gigantic; colossal; astronomic; mammoth; mountainous; gargantuan; prodigious; tremendous; stupendous; excessive; titanic; Herculean; Brobdingnagian; (inf.) jumbo.
estimate- 1. estimate the cost: make an estimate; calculate roughly/approximately; work out; assess; compute; gauge; reckon; evaluate; judge; appraise; guess; (inf.) guesstimate. 2) I estimate him to be honest: consider; believe; think; regard as; judge; rate; view as; reckon; guess; conjecture; surmise;(lit.) opine.
magnificent- 1) magnificent processions/apartments: splendid; resplendent; grand; grandiose; impressive; imposing; striking; glorious; superb; majestic; august; noble; stately; exalted; awe-inspiring; royal; regal; kingly; princely; sumptuous; opulent; luxurious; lavish; rich; brilliant; radiant; elegant; gorgeous; (inf.) splendiferous; ritzy; posh. 2) a magnificent performance/game: excellent; masterly; skilful; virtuoso; splendid; impressive; fine; marvellous; wonderful; (inf.) terrific; glorious; superb; brilliant; out of this world.
neglect- 1) neglect their children: fail to look after; fail to provide for; abandon; forsake; leave alone. 2) neglect his work: let slide; skimp on; shirk; be remiss about; be lax about; pay little/no attention to; not attend to; leave undone; procrastinate about. 3) neglect to lock the door: omit; fail; forget; not remember; 4) neglect his warning: disregard; ignore; pay no attention/heed to; overlook; disdain; scorn; slight; spurn; rebuff.
oblige- 1) ties of friendship oblige me to go: put under an obligation; leave someone no option; require; necessitate; obligate; compel; call for; force; constrain; press; pressure; pressurize; impel. 2) will you oblige me by going?: do someone a favour; do someone a kindness; do someone a service; serve; accommodate; meet the wants/needs of; help accommodate; put oneself out for; indulge; gratify the wishes of; help; assist.
peculiar- 1) a peculiar smell: strange; odd; queer; funny; curious; unusual; abnormal. 2) peculiar clothes/appearance: strange; odd; queer; funny; curious; unusual; abnormal; eccentric; unconventional; bizarre; weird; quaint; outlandish; out-of-the-way; grotesque; freakish; offbeat; droll; comical; (inf.) far-out; way-out.
plot- 1) nobles plotting against the King: take part in a plot; scheme; conspire; participate in a conspiracy; intrigue; form an intrigue. 2) plot the King's downfall: plan; hatch; scheme; construe; concoct; devise; frame; think up; dream up; conceive; (inf.) cook up.
vanish- 1) she vanished in the mist: disappear; be lost to sight/view; be/become invisible; evaporate; dissipate; disperse; fade; fade away; evanesce; melt away; recede from view; withdraw; depart; leave. 2) a way of life that has vanished/hopes of success have vanished: cease to exist/be; pass away; die out; come to an end; end; be no more; become extinct/obsolete.


estimate that
neglect something/to do something
make a bargain with someone
be obliged to do something

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