Tuesday, 19 November 2019


Level: B2

Just as we take jet planes for granted today, most of us are unable to think what it would be like without electric lights. Many of us also enjoy the luxury of hearing our favourite records whenever we want to play them. And to go to a movie is no longer a venture. Not many of us associate these pleasures with the name of Thomas Alva Edison. Thomas Edison, with the help of others, enabled us to have electric lights, phonographs and even movies. In 1859 when only twelve years old, Edison developed an extreme interest in electricity. As a man, Edison had an unusual capacity for working many hours with very little sleep. He also had a special ability for putting ideas to work quickly. As a result of his many years of constant testing of new ideas, Edison became one of the world’s great inventors. Because of Thomas Edison’s years of toil, we are able to enjoy many hours of pleasure.


ability n. the physical or mental power or skill needed to do something: Someone of her ability is bound to succeed.
associate v. to join or connect (people, things or ideas) together, or to be connected (with a person, organization or idea): I don't want my children associating with drug-addicts and alcoholics. Why do men associate enjoying themselves with getting drunk?
capacity n. the total amount that can be contained or produced, or (esp. of a person or organization) the ability to do a particular thing: She has a great capacity for hard work.
constant adj. staying the same; not getting less or more: We've kept a fairly constant speed all journey.
enable v. to make (someone) able to do something by providing them with whatever is necessary to achieve it, or to make (something) possible: Computerization should enable us to cut production costs by half.
extreme adj. very great: Jim's a real extreme sports enthusiast - he's been white-water rafting, bungee jumping and skydiving.
luxury n. great comfort, esp. as provided by expensive and beautiful things, or something which is pleasant to have but is not necessary: We'll never have enough money to be able to live in luxury.
toil n. hard work, esp. that which is physically tiring: An illegal worker will earn more here in a week than he would in a month of toil back home.
unable adj. not able: She was unable to account for over $5 000 (= she could not explain where the money was).
venture n. a plan of action, usually in business, which involves risk or uncertainty: She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures.


ability- 1) a person of outstanding ability: talent; competence; competency; proficiency; skill; expertise; expertness; adeptness; aptitude; dexterity; adroitness; qualification; cleverness; flair; gift; knack; savoir faire; (inf.) know-how. 2) the ability to cope: capacity; capability; potential; potentiality; power; aptness; facility; faculty; propensity.
associate- associate wine with France: link; connect; relate; think of together; couple.
capacity- have the capacity to do the job: ability; capability; aptitude; potential; faculty; facility; power; competence; competency; proficiency; accomplishment; cleverness; intelligence; brains; head.
constant- 1) at a constant speed/temperature: uniform, even, regular, stable, steady, fixed, invariable, unvarying, unchanging, immutable. 2) a constant stream of people: continuous; unbroken; uninterrupted. 3) constant chattering: continual; never-ending; endless; unending; non-stop; incessant; unceasing; ceaseless; perpetual; persistent; interminable; unremitting; sustained; relentless; unrelenting.
enable- 1) enable you to vote: allow; permit; authorize; entitle; qualify; fit; license; sanction; warrant; accredit; validate; commission; delegate; legalize; empower. 2) enable you to cross the river: allow; permit; give the means/resources to; equip; prepare; facilitate; capacitate.
extreme- 1) in extreme danger/extreme cold: utmost; uttermost; maximum; supreme; greatest; great; acute; intense; severe; highest; high; ultimate; exceptional; extraordinary. 2) extreme punitive measures: harsh; severe; Draconian; stringent; stern; strict; drastic; unrelenting; relentless; unbending; unyielding; uncompromising; unmitigated; radical; overzealous.
luxury- 1) live in luxury: luxuriousness; opulence; affluence; sumptuousness; richness; grandeur; splendour; magnificence; lavishness; lap of luxury; bed of roses. 2) the luxury of independence: boon; benefit; advantage; delight; bliss; comfort. 3) one of life's luxuries: extra; non-essential; frill; extravagance; indulgence; treat; refinement.
toil- years of toil wore him out: hard/heavy work; labour; slog; slaving; striving; donkey-work; drudgery; application; industry; effort; exertion; travail; sweat of one's brow; (inf.) elbow-grease; grind; graft.
unable- unable to get about/unable to reach the standard: not able; incapable; powerless; impotent; not up/equal to; inadequate; ineffectual; incompetent; unfit; unfitted; unqualified.
venture- 1) explorers engaged in a new venture: adventure; exploit; mission; risky undertaking. 2) a business venture: enterprise; undertaking; project; speculation; fling; plunge; gamble.


take something for granted
be unable to do something
associate something with something else
enable someone to do something
have a capacity/an ability for something/doing something

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