Sunday 19 January 2020

An Expedition into the Forest

Level: B1

Half an hour before daybreak three of the boys assembled, as they agreed, near the old bridge. The fourth, a boy by the name of Tolly, had not turned up. His absence did not greatly surprise the others. They knew that his mother did not want him to come on this expedition into the forest.

Charles, who was the oldest and their accepted leader, waded downstream to the place where their boat was tied up in the shelter of some overhanging bushes. Then he rowed the boat back to the shallow water near the bridge, where the boys loaded it with the provisions, blankets and other things which were taking on their journey.

Dawn was just breaking as they climbed into their boat and pushed off from the bank. A swift current carried them downstream, so there was no need to row. They took it in turns to keep the boat in the centre of the river. Three hours later they entered the forest where they intended to spend the next few days.

“Let’s get ashore now and make some tea,” suggested Charles. “No one will see us here.”

It was forbidden to light fires in the forest, but people rarely came this way.

While Charles tied the boat up, the other boys set about gathering wood for a fire. When they came back, each with a large handful of sticks, they found Charles looking very worried.

“We haven’t got any matches,’ he announced gloomily. “Tolly was going to bring them.”

This was bad news. They were miles away now from the nearest shop.


daybreak- the time of the day when light first appears
turn up- to arrive
greatly- very much
expedition- an organised journey with a particular purpose
wade- to walk with an effort through something, especially water or mud
downstream- in the direction in which a river flows
overhanging- sticking out over and above something else
row- to move a boat through water using oars
load- to put a large quantity of things and people into or onto something
provisions- supplies of food and drink, especially for a long journey
(dawn) break- to begin
bank- the side of a river, canal, etc. and the land near it
swift- quick, fast, rapid
current- the movement of the water in the sea or a river
turn- the time when someone in a group of people should or is allowed to do something
ashore- towards, onto or on land, after having come from an area of water such as the sea or a river
forbidden- not allowed
rarely- seldom, not often
set about- to start doing something
gather- to bring things together that have spread around
handful- the amount of something that can be held in one hand
gloomily- sadly

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